headspace is coming soon to Palmerston to support young people aged 12 to 25 and their family and friends.
“50 per cent of young people accessing headspace Darwin live in Palmerston and the surrounding rural areas,” said Jade Gooding, Anglicare NT’s Mental Health Executive Manager.
“We have struggled to keep up with the number of young people who need our help and have been advocating for four years for a service dedicated to Palmerston.”
The new centre is being funded by the Australian Government through the NT Primary Health Network and will be co-designed to reflect the needs of the Palmerston community including mental health, physical health (including sexual health), alcohol and other drug services, and work and study support.
Anglicare NT have been working with youth ambassadors to identify a location for the new centre and will co-design what the centre will look and feel like and the types of support it will provide with the community.
“We will be consulting with young people and their families and working closely with services in Palmerston so that we don’t duplicate other support.”
Grow Well Live Well will promote opportunities for the community to get involved in the co-design process and headspace Palmerston’s social media accounts when they launch online.
While the centre is being set up, Palmerston’s young people can get support by visiting headspace Darwin in Casuarina, emailing headspacedarwin@anglicare-nt.org.au, calling (08) 8931 5999 or on social media.